1.  Provide a physical learning environment at each school that is safe, clean and attractive
  2.  Comply with all pertinent rules and regulations (local board policy, as well as state and federal)
  3.  Keep all school sites in a clean, sanitized, and presentable manner. Plan and schedule summer cleaning. Check periodically with school principals about their satisfaction in regard to specific work orders.
  4.  Review applications for custodial positions and make recommendations of custodial personnel for employment.
  5.  Work with Maintenance Director to coordinate work assignments of custodial personnel.
  6. Comply with all policies, rules and regulations in regard to proper biding and purchasing. Make proper requisitions for the purchase of all custodial supplies and equipment.
  7.  Work with school principals in efforts to see that school grounds and property are maintained in an orderly state or repair.
  8.  Make reports to the Maintenance Director of any accidents in his department.
  9.  Perform other duties as assigned by the Maintenance Director.